Friday 25 February 2011

Green Ink #3 "The Grass Effect"

New comic. This Dunstan. More words and junk coming soon. Can not brain right now.

Friday 18 February 2011

Green Ink #2 "Mental Floss"


So, Morgan is back! Okay, I did plan to start introducing new characters in the second strip but this idea came to me just before I began and... what can I say? One thing lead to another and I hooked Morgan up again.

Saturday 5 February 2011

Green Ink #1 "Coke & Ice"

Welcome to Green Ink! 

This is the first comic strip to be created from a screenplay I wrote for a feature film titled Green Ink. Unfortunately, the project fell through last year, but I will be harvesting its vital organs and assembling a Frankencomic of sorts, incorporating the characters and many scenes from the script. I have no idea where this will lead but let's see where it takes us.

Here we meet Morgan, just one of the many colourful characters of Green Ink, in her first misanthropic adventure...

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Comic Strip #3 "God Days"

This concept came to me whilst l was lying in bed two nights ago. It's a joke that's been rattling around my head for a while but has only just grown into a rounded 3 frame strip. I'm realising now that these comic strips are an amazing outlet for ideas that I originally intended to bring to life through film but lacked the resources to produce. It seems so obvious that this is the best method for conveying a good portion of my ideas that are, in a way, too high-concept for no-budget filmmaking...

I'm damn happy that I realised this.