Saturday 5 February 2011

Green Ink #1 "Coke & Ice"

Welcome to Green Ink! 

This is the first comic strip to be created from a screenplay I wrote for a feature film titled Green Ink. Unfortunately, the project fell through last year, but I will be harvesting its vital organs and assembling a Frankencomic of sorts, incorporating the characters and many scenes from the script. I have no idea where this will lead but let's see where it takes us.

Here we meet Morgan, just one of the many colourful characters of Green Ink, in her first misanthropic adventure...


  1. these sketches appear to shadow my real life, eeerrriee

  2. Or perhaps your life is a shadow of the comic strips... Nah, I'm just stalking you with a pencil and a notepad.

  3. You're a girl?!! I should have guessed this...
