Friday 18 February 2011

Green Ink #2 "Mental Floss"


So, Morgan is back! Okay, I did plan to start introducing new characters in the second strip but this idea came to me just before I began and... what can I say? One thing lead to another and I hooked Morgan up again.

Next week though, there will definitely, definitely be some new characters making an appearance - characters who are central to the heart of what this strip is. Plus, so far Green Ink just seems like the foiled retail endeavours of Morgan. Oh well, I like it and I'm about a third of the GI audience so the ratings are reeeaaally good with males 18-25!

Another reason why I wanted to get this strip down before any others was the thought bubbles. I loved this idea that Morgan's thought bubble(s) (Technically plural because of the traditional 3 tier representation) had completely individual personalities, interacted with one another, and commented on the happenings of the human world. The fact that they are Yiddish speaking Eastern-Europeans just seemed perfectly logical.

Anyway, enjoy and stay cool... but not too cool.

P.S. Green Ink is now running weekly in Zest For Life Webzine. Check back on Sarturdays for the latest installment!

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