Saturday 5 March 2011

Green Ink #4 "Concert Confusion"

I'm spinning Green Ink in a slighly biographical direction this week. True to life in the sense that I did go to the Philharmonic hall recently but... all other aspects of the strip have been fictionalised for dramatic effect.

So, in #4 I finally get around to introducing Jeff, who is essentially the backbone of the GI trio (He's the dude in blue. Is that blue? Indigo, perhaps? What is indigo???). I really dig that this week we see the whole gang together, despite the fact that Dunstan is out of it for the entire process. I like to imagine that he remained unconscious during the time between the first and second scenes and Jeff and Morgan just schleped his body to the concert hall... I reckon they managed to swing some pretty nice disabled persons seating too...

Cheers for reading!

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